It is illegal to increase body weight in this country, if you become fat, you will be punished! Know what are the rules here


Law in Japan: Every country in the world has different laws. In some countries, there are such laws as well, knowing which one is very surprised. After knowing such strange poor laws, the same thought comes in the heart that is it really like this? There is a similar law in Japan as well which is very strange. If you pay attention, you will find that the people of Japan are not fat. Have you ever wondered why Japanese people do not appear fat? What is the reason that everyone there looks thin? Actually, the reason behind this is the law of Japan in which people are not allowed to be fat. Yes, being fat is illegal in Japan.

culture of walking
No one is allowed to increase body weight in Japan. Because of this strange law, Japan has the lowest obesity rate in the world. Apart from the law, the diet of the people there and their transport system also play a special role in their thinness to some extent. The diet of the people here includes things like fish, vegetables and rice. Apart from this, the people of Japan do not become obese due to long distance walking for public transport and the culture of walking.

name of obesity law

This law related to obesity brought in Japan is called Metabo Law. It was brought by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2008. Under this law, the waist measurement of men and women between the ages of 40 and 74 is taken every year. In this, the waist size of men is 33.5 inches and for men it is 35.4 inches.

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Why was this strange law brought in Japan?
Actually, a large population in Japan is of the elderly and the government is responsible for their treatment. Metabo Law was brought because the government did not want anyone to suffer from a serious disease like diabetes due to obesity. Because if this happens then the treatment will cost a lot.

What is the punishment for being fat?
However, there is no official punishment for being obese in Japan. But, apart from this there are many things which make people thin. If someone is fat in Japan, he has to take a class to become thin. These classes are organized by the health insurance company. Apart from this, the company in which a fat person is working, there is mental pressure on that person.

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