Normal Delivery Instead of C-Section: It is difficult to put into words the pain a mother goes through during the 9 months of pregnancy. When the pregnancy of 9 months is in the last phase and the child is ready to be born, then the mother has to go through the most difficult time of pregnancy. Either C-section is done for the delivery of the child or the child is born in a normal way. Many women who want to avoid pain and fear a vaginal delivery opt for a C-section. C-section may reduce the pain of normal delivery, but it harms both the woman and the child.
Especially the woman who becomes a mother for the first time, there is a different nervousness about the delivery. Due to fear, women choose the option of C-section, but due to this, they and the newborn children may have to face many problems. By tolerating the pain in normal delivery, a woman can save herself from all the problems in future.
Know why normal delivery is better than C section,
recovery is quick
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If a woman gets a c-section done, then she has difficulty in walking again and has to be admitted to the hospital for about a week. Even after being discharged from the hospital, one has to stay in bed rest at home for a long time. On the other hand, in normal delivery, the woman can walk easily after a few hours and recover quickly.
beneficial for children
When the child passes through the birth canal, during this time it comes in contact with some good bacteria which are beneficial for its health in future. These bacteria are beneficial for the immunity, brain and digestive health of the newborn baby. Along with this, they protect the child from many types of infections.
no risk of infection
Where there is a wound on the woman’s body in C section, there is no wound in normal delivery. After C section, if the care of the woman is not done properly or carelessness is taken, then the risk of infection increases whereas, there is nothing like this in normal delivery. After C section, the woman may also have to bear pain for a long time.
This happens many times during C section.
Actually, when a child is born through C section, the woman is given an injection of anesthesia so that she does not suffer much. This injection can cause side effects like headache, low BP, dizziness etc. to the woman. On the other hand, in normal delivery the woman does not need all this. She gives birth to a child with her ability and remains safe from all these dangers.
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