Is it vegetable or gold, the price is one lakh rupees per kg! You will be shocked to hear the benefits of eating


Hop Shoots Health Benefits: Many types of such vegetables are found all over the world, whose cost is very high. One of those vegetables is ‘Hop Shoot’, which is also known as Hop Cones. This vegetable is considered one of the most expensive vegetables in the global market. Its price is so high that your senses will fly away. The price of hop shoots ranges from Rs 85,000 to Rs 1 lakh per kg. It is said that it is very difficult to grow and harvest. This is the reason why the price of this vegetable is so high. Along with being expensive, this vegetable is not easily available in the markets.

Experts say that its twigs do not grow in the same rows. To harvest the twigs, you have to stoop very low and find and cut the hop cones. It takes a lot of hard work. The flowers of hop cones are used to make beer. While its twigs are used for food. Hop shoots are also considered a herbal medicine. It contains different essential oils, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C have antioxidant properties, which make the immune system more active.

Benefits of Hop Shoots

1. Beneficial for the Skin: The natural oils and minerals found in the hop shoot plant have a soothing effect on the skin. This helps in reducing redness and irritation on the skin.

2. Reduces hair fall: According to some studies, the use of hop shoots provides many benefits to the hair. Because it contains antioxidants and hops, which can reduce hair fall and dandruff.

3. Provides muscle relaxation: Hop shoots help a lot in relieving muscle pain as well as body pain.

4. Improves Digestion: It has been found that hop shoots accelerate the metabolism of the body, hence it is considered good for digestion.

5. Treats Insomnia: According to some studies, hop shoots are rich in essential oils, which aid in inducing sound sleep.

6. Relieves period pain: Hop shoots help in reducing the cramps and pain in the body during periods. Apart from this, it also helps in keeping the muscles loose.

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