Is frequent urination a ‘red flag’? What is its cause and symptoms


Urination Problem: Urine not only helps to remove waste material from our body, but it also reveals many such things about our health, which are very important to know on time. Not only this, urine can also help us a lot in detecting many diseases. Many diseases that develop in the body can be identified by urine. This is the reason why doctors mostly recommend urine tests to check for internal diseases and infections.

Urine can give many important signals about your health. You need to be very careful when you see symptoms like frequent urination, burning sensation while urinating or pain in the lower abdomen. Because these signs indicate diseases developing inside you. Many people go to urine immediately after eating food. This must have happened to most of you as well. Now the question arises whether passing urine right after eating is a common thing or is it a sign of some serious disease or infection?

According to health experts, passing urine immediately after eating food is not a sign of any disease. Sometimes this is common. Whereas in some cases these can be symptoms of diabetes, prostate, kidney or urinary tract infection. Experts say that due to the high amount of sugar in the food, urine starts coming after eating food. Consumption of sweet things increases the level of acid in your urine. Due to which bacteria can grow easily and can also cause infection.

How to identify disease from urine?

According to the report of News18, the level of sugar in the blood increases due to the consumption of high sugar food. Due to its increase, the amount of urine in the body also increases. In most cases passing urine right after eating can be normal. But then it will not be a normal thing, when you need to go to the toilet immediately after eating or drinking something. This is because it can also be a sign of some disease. In such a situation, you will need to get an immediate investigation done. If you urinate more than 7-8 times a day, then it can be a symptom of prostate or urinary tract infection as well as diabetes.

What are the reasons for frequent urination?

1. drink more water

2. prostate enlargement

3. pelvic floor muscle weakness

4. stroke or neurological disease

5. kidney infection or kidney stone

6. urinary tract infection

7. type 1 or type 2 diabetes

8. go on a liquid diet

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