Is drinking fruit juice beneficial for health? But drinking on these 5 occasions is like ‘poison’


Health Risks of Fruit Juice: Whether to eat fruits or drink them after making juice, their consumption in both the forms is considered very beneficial. Fruits have the power to cure many diseases. The essential nutrients present in it can prove to be helpful in curing many of your diseases. There is no doubt that consumption of fruits in every form is beneficial for health. But do you know that it is not right to drink fruit juice at any point of time? If you consume fruit juice regardless of time and think that you will get full nutrition from it, then it is not so. Everything has a time. If things are eaten at the same time, then only the body can get full amount of nutrition, otherwise it can also leave a reverse effect on you.

Some people solely for weight loss Become dependent on liquid diet and start taking fruit juice. They stop consuming the diet, which is not right at all. Doing this can cause weakness in your body and you may have to face many diseases in future. Fruit juices will also benefit you only when you consume them at the right time and in limited quantity. Let us know at what time you should not drink fruit juice at all.

When should not drink fruit juice

right after waking up

You should always avoid consuming fruit juice immediately after waking up in the morning. This is because your stomach is naturally acidic in the morning. In such a situation, if you consume fruit juice, then there may be a hindrance in your digestion. Drinking empty stomach juice can also have a bad effect on your pancreas. Due to fructose, the load on the liver increases. oranges or Drinking the juice of citrus fruits like sweet lime on an empty stomach can lead to many problems related to acidity and digestion. Instead of drinking this, you can choose to drink coconut water or coriander water.

before gym

Many people like to drink fruit juice before going to the gym. Fruit juice gives you energy, but it does not last long. Apart from this, it can also cause stomach cramps and intestinal discomfort. You can drink juice about an hour before your workout and you can consume it after about 20-30 minutes from the workout.

before boarding the flight

You should avoid drinking fruit juice before boarding the flight. Because the natural sugar present in it can cause indigestion. You can drink coconut water to keep your system stable and stay hydrated.

before sleep

You should not consume fruit juice before sleeping, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Fruit juice is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity. Consuming it before sleeping can cause swelling or heartburn.


Patients suffering from diabetes are advised to eat high fiber food. There is a considerable amount of fiber in fruits as well. But still, excessive consumption of fruits is not considered right for diabetes patients. Because fruits contain natural sugar, which Can rapidly increase the blood sugar level.

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