In heatwave, not only the face, but also take special care of the eyes! This is how it affects the eyes


Summer Effects: Summer has started. The temperature has started crossing 43 degrees. Heat wave will be seen in the coming days, while heat wave has started running in some parts. Heat wave does not only harm the skin. Other organs can also be affected by this. Eyes are considered a very sensitive part of the body. The direct rays of the sun can seriously damage the eyes. It can even lead to blindness. Let’s try to know how to avoid sunlight, so that the eyes remain safe.

There are 3 types of sun rays

There are 3 types of sun rays. This includes UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA rays can reach the retina. These can cause vision loss. UVB rays do not penetrate very deeply. This can cause dryness in the eyes. Cornea can be damaged. UVC rays are more deadly relative to both the rays. But the ozone layer does not allow it to reach the surface of the earth. This can cause skin cancer.

be careful like this

wear sun glasses

If you are going out in the sun, then definitely apply sun glasses in summer. Wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV or UV-400 protection. It works to protect against ultra violet rays.

don’t look at the sun at all

Avoid looking at the sun. If you dare to look at the sun in summer, it can take away your eyesight. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are so deadly that they can cause instant damage.

went out with an umbrella or a hat

This is a good way to protect from the sun. If you are going out in the sun, you should wear an umbrella or hat. Eyes are not directly affected by this. Eye protection is good.

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