IGNOU December TEE Result 2022 Declared: Indra Gandhi National Open University has released the result of IGNOU December Term End Examination 2022. Those candidates who have appeared in this exam can check their term end exam result from the official website. To do this, they have to visit the official website of Indra Gandhi National Open University, whose address is – ignou.ac.in, Candidates can use their enrollment number to download IGNOU December TEE result.
Exam was held on these dates
The December TEE exam was conducted from 2 December to 09 January 2023. IGNOU TEE exams were conducted in two shifts. The first shift is from 10 am to 1 pm and the second shift is from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Download result with these easy steps
- To download the result, first of all visit the official website i.e. ignou.ac.in.
- Here a tab named Result will be given on the homepage, click on it.
- By doing this a new page will open. Find the link on this page on which it is written – December 2022 Exam Result (New). Click on it when found.
- Now enter your login details on the new page that opens and submit it.
- By doing this, your December TEE result will appear on the computer screen.
- Check it from here, download it and take a print out if you want. This may be of use to you in the future.
You can also click on this direct link to see the result.
The admit card for this exam has also been released.
Staff Selection Commission has released the admit card for CHSL Tier 1 exam on the regional websites of SSC. Those candidates who have applied for this exam can download the admit card in the prescribed format by visiting the official website. To do this, the address of the official website of SSC is – ssc.nic.in,
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