Kidney Stone : Kidney is responsible for filtering blood and urine in our body Is. It is one of the most important part of the body. The store in the kidney is very dangerous. The question arises that how does kidney stone get formed and what is the right way to cure it. Due to kidney stone deposits Hurts a lot. Being a crystal type, they can also affect daily activities. Come let’s know the reason for kidney stone and how to avoid it…
Reason for kidney stores
Due to poor lifestyle and unhealthy diet, the risk of Kidney Stones Causes has increased. Talking about kidney stones, Ca oxalate, Ca phosphate, uric acid and struvite are the most common stones. Bad lifestyle like drinking less water can lead to stones. Along with this, many other reasons are responsible for this, such as-
High consumption of meat
Excessive consumption of meat is also the cause of kidney stone. Animal protein in excess can be rich in Ca and risky for uric acid crystals. Patients with high sodium intake and certain gut disorders may be at risk of oxalate formation. Obesity, weight loss surgery, or high sugar-salt intake or high fructose intake increase the risk of kidney stones.
Measures to reduce the risk of kidney stones
If you want to avoid the risk of kidney stones or want to avoid this risk, then you have to keep your diet correct. Along with this, physical activities also protect the kidney from this problem. By doing this, the body quickly Dehydrate does not happen and the risk of kidney stone is negligible. Therefore, by changing your diet and lifestyle, you can keep the kidney safe from stones.
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