Heart Attack Symptoms: It is often said about heart attack that it always happens suddenly. At the same time, doctors and experts say that in most cases of heart attack, nothing happens suddenly. Rather, a few days before the Heart Attack Symptoms, some such symptoms appear in the body, which we do not take seriously. Most people ignore these minor symptoms. For example, having too much acidity. Not digesting food. Heart burn. Constant pain on one side of the back can be a minor symptom of many such diseases and it can take your life.
What Harvard Health Research Says
In many cases of heart attack, it has been seen that small signs give you a signal that you should go to the doctor quickly, but people completely ignore it. Harvard Health recently published a research. He did this research on women, in which 95 women said that something was not right already a month before the heart attack. It has also been revealed in this research that there are two most insignificant signs that people often ignore. like always tired Feeling down and unable to sleep.
Such symptoms are seen on the body a month before the heart attack
- According to research, shortness of breath, weakness, night sweats, dizziness and vomiting can be early symptoms of a heart attack. there mostly As an initial symptom in men, chest pain, tightness, shortness of breath may occur.
- According to the research of ‘Harvard Health’, ‘If some women are constantly tired, upset, sleepy, or short of breath, then it can be an early symptom of a heart attack.’ By paying attention to these symptoms, it can be treated immediately and a heart attack can be prevented.
- According to Harvard Health, women who experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, cold sweats, dizziness and nausea should see a doctor immediately.
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