If you include these foods in your diet at the age of 40, then old age will pass easily.


Health Tips: As we age, we cross 40, however, our body seeks more care, this is the age when people suffer from many types of heart diseases, blood pressure, in such a situation, if complete diet Problems can become complicated if not taken care of. It is necessary to take care especially in winter. We have to take extra care of the heart more than all other organs because it is most at risk of getting harmed. In such a situation, let us know which are the best foods that can be eaten to keep yourself healthy.

fish- How to take care of the heart in old age is a matter of concern, in such a situation, you should consume tuna and other fish, because it contains omega-3 fatty acids in abundance. Omega 3 fatty acids improve heart health by reducing blood pressure, lipids, clotting and irregular heartbeat.

Whole grains- In old age, you should eat whole grains. If you consume three or more servings of whole grains every day, your risk of heart disease may decrease. Whole grains increase your good cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. You should consume fibrous foods including oats brown rice, rye, barley.

beans Beans are a vegetable that is rich in protein, along with it also contains potassium and B vitamins, both of which are good for the heart. In the winter season, you can include beans in your food by preparing them in different ways.

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Pomegranate-Pomegranate contains a vitamin called ellagic acid, which makes pomegranate a superfood, it is known to keep you healthy, these foods help prevent the accumulation of fat in the arteries. Controlling cholesterol can also help.

FlaxseedFlaxseed is a super food, the omega 3 fatty acid fiber and phytoestrogen present in its seeds are very helpful in making the heart healthy. You can also eat it by making laddoos.

Turmeric- People of old age suffer from heart as well as depression and Alzheimer’s, so turmeric should be included in the diet as much as possible. Drinking turmeric milk is considered very good.

Beetroot-Beetroot should be consumed as it is a natural source of nitrate which helps to maintain the health of your arteries, beetroot juice does not cause anemia. High blood pressure can be controlled even if you can eat it as a salad.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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