If you have become pregnant by mistake, then in this way you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy at home.


Unwanted Pregnancy: Nowadays, after marriage, most of the couples take some time for the planning of the child. But many times it happens that knowingly or unknowingly unwanted pregnancy gives you tension. There is no need to panic when this happens. Just try not to take any medicine on your own in case of unwanted pregnancy. This can have a bad effect on your health. Today we will tell you through this article that if you have become pregnant by mistake then how can you get rid of this problem at home. You will not need to take any medicine in this, you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy by just consuming a few things present in the house.

If you have become pregnant by mistake, then you can get relief like this.

If you are not planning a baby right now and have become pregnant by mistake, then you can consume ginger present in your kitchen. Ginger acts as a contraceptive. All you have to do is drink ginger in hot water. Drinking ginger water can help you a lot. Apart from this, bitter neem also works as a contraceptive. It reduces the ability of sperm to reach the egg. You can drink its decoction by grinding neem leaves. Fertilization of eggs and sperm does not happen by drinking it. Keep in mind that if it is too late for your period, then you must consult a doctor once. Do not take any medicine by yourself.

In this way you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy at home

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The effect of figs is hot. People eat figs with milk in winters. But if you want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, then figs are very effective in that too. Just eat two to three figs in a day, because of this you will not need to take medicine. Vitamin C is also very beneficial to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Eat it twice a day after unprotected sex. Delay in period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant, but if your report has come positive and not much time has passed, then you can consume these things at home. Also, keep in mind that before eating anything, do consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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