If you eat Ashwagandha to get benefits, then first know its effects, otherwise you will fall ill.


Ashwagandha Is Hot Or Cold In Nature:Ashwagandha is a magical herb which is used for many problems. Its scientific name is Withania somnifera, it is also known as Winter Cherry and Indian Gunseng. It has been proved in research that it contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties which help in increasing the immunity of the body. Now the question is, what is its effect, whether it is cold or hot. Can its consumption ever cause harm, you will know everything in this article.

What is the effect of Ashwagangha?
Dietician Garima Goyal says that Ashwagandha’s effect is hot, that is why it is always said to eat only on the advice of such a doctor. Apart from this, it is always advised to mix it with milk or consume it with sugar so that it helps in balancing its effect. Apart from this, experts recommend its limited intake even in summer, because if you consume Ashwagandha in summer, then due to its hot effect, you may face many problems. For example, using it in the summer season can cause problems like gas, vomiting, excessive sleepiness, and consuming it in winter can give you additional benefits. It increases the required amount of bile in the body, it does not cause cold in winter. This is the reason why people who feel more cold are advised to drink Ashwagandha tea.

These people should not eat Ashwagandha

  • pregnant women
  • lactating women.
  • Thyroid patients.
  • If a person has had an operation or it is going to happen in a few days, it is not advisable to eat Ashwagandha.
  • If you are suffering from autoimmune disease then it can damage your tissue.

benefits of ashwagandha

  • Ashwagandha is very beneficial in dangerous diseases like cancer. It has been revealed in many researches that Ashwagandha prevents cancer cells from growing and does not allow new cancer cells to form.
  • Ashwagandha works to increase both white blood cells and red blood cells.
  • It is also beneficial in curing a serious problem like mental stress, according to a report, the use of Ashwagandha can reduce stress by 70%. In fact, it is effective in keeping your body and mental balance in good shape, it leads to good sleep. .
  • The oxidant present in Ashwagandha works to strengthen your immunity system, which gives you the power to fight against diseases like cold and flu.

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