If you do not want to be sick in the rain, then it is necessary to adopt these habits, the distance from diseases will remain


Monsoon Health Tips: Rainy season is going on. Many changes have to be made in lifestyle and food during the rainy season. In this season, special care has to be taken of food, because many diseases reach the body due to this. If you want to keep yourself fit and fine in monsoon (Monsoon Health Tips), then you should know what to do and what not to do in such weather. Because some habits can create problems for health. Let’s know…

Say bye-bye to the taste of chatpata chaat

If you like spicy food in the rain. If you enjoy eating chaat from roadside chaat carts, then you should be careful. In the rainy season, eating spicy chaat on the roads can cause serious harm to health. Chaat or other things found in the open can harm the body. According to experts, even if it looks delicious to see the food available in the open, but it can contain many bacteria and dangerous substances, which are enough to harm the health. Street food and junk food should be completely avoided in the rain.

don’t wear leather shoes

Avoid wearing leather shoes in the rain. Getting wet in water not only spoils the shoes, but also damages the skin. According to experts, only airy shoes should be worn during monsoon. Air does not pass in leather shoes and once the water goes inside, it cannot even come out. Due to which the moisture in the shoes increases. Fungus infection can also occur due to humidity.

avoid bathing in cold water

Heat, humidity and stickiness are common in the rainy season. To avoid them, people like to take bath with cold water. However, they are probably unaware that even taking a bath with cold water in the rainy season can be dangerous. For freshness and energy, it is considered better to take a bath with lukewarm water rather than cold.

don’t eat undercooked eggs

Egg is considered beneficial for health. But eating eggs in the rain can also be dangerous. One should avoid eating undercooked egg in rainy season. According to health experts, some such germs are found in raw or undercooked eggs, which can make you sick. Due to this, problems like indigestion, stomach pain, food poisoning may have to be faced. That’s why eggs should be eaten after cooking them well.

eat these things

If you are not consuming ginger, garlic and turmeric during the rainy season, then start doing it, because these are such magical ingredients that keep health healthy. Anti-inflammatory elements are found in these, which eliminate diseases caused by bacteria, virus and fungus from the root itself.

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