Puffy Face RemediesSometimes swelling on the face is a common problem. This swelling of the face is called puffiness. This problem of puffiness on the face can be due to lack of sleep, taking stress, sleeping incorrectly and consuming alcohol. Many times, this swelling of the face increases so much that your features are seen changing. In such a situation, you can use many treatments or beauty products to remove this puffiness, but even if some home remedies are done for this, you can get relief. So let’s know about the home remedies to reduce facial swelling-
use of cucumber
Cucumber can also be used to reduce facial swelling. Actually, antioxidants are found in cucumber, which is effective in reducing inflammation. For this, first wash the cucumber and cut it into slices. After this keep these slices on the face. After keeping it on the face for some time, remove them from the face. This will reduce the swelling of your face to a great extent.
green tea bags
If you drink green tea, then you would know that green tea is very beneficial for health, but did you know that it is also effective in removing facial puffiness. Actually, green tea has antioxidant properties. To use it, take used green tea or black tea bags and keep them in the fridge for some time. After this, now scrub it on the face. This will help in reducing the swelling of the face.
use of rose water
You can also use rose water to remove the puffiness on the face. This not only reduces the swelling of the face, but also brings a glow on the face. For this, dip a cotton ball in rose water and keep it on your face. This will go a long way in reducing the swelling of the face.
ice massage
Puffiness can also be removed with ice massage. For this you take an ice cube and massage the face with it. You will feel benefited to a great extent by this.
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