If you are a fan of Keto diet, then dispel this myth related to it.


Keto Diet: The problem of increasing weight is the most common thing in today’s modern lifestyle. People are following different types of exercise and diet to reduce their weight. There are many types of diets but one diet which is very famous these days. That is the keto diet. Keto diet is one of the most preferred diet for weight loss. In keto diet, high protein and low carbohydrate things have to be eaten and mostly healthy fat is eaten.

Keto diet is high fat and high protein diet

Nutritionist Shikha Gupta

According to nutritionist Shikha Gupta, fat remains the only source of energy for the condition of ketosis in the body to be perfect. Because if proteins start breaking down in your body then ketosis will stop. And they start releasing glucose in the body. Fat later forms glucose. Which is the source of energy.

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You can eat any type of fat in this diet as it is a high fat diet.

Junk foods should be completely avoided in this diet, along with oil and refined should not be eaten in it. Ghee, avocado, chicken and fatty fish and eggs should be eaten as healthy fat in this diet.

eating more fat will make you fat

According to Dr. Gupta, body weight depends on how much fat and what kind of fat you are eating. Healthy fats are eaten in keto diet. Because of which the weight will not increase.

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