If the stomach is not cleaned properly in the morning then start the day with these 5 foods


What To Eat In The Morning: In the beginning of the day, if the stomach is not cleaned properly, then there is a feeling of heaviness in the body throughout the day. Along with this, many types of problems start increasing on the skin. If you are also troubled because of not cleaning your stomach properly in the morning, then we have brought a list of five foods for you, which by eating in the daily morning will clean your stomach properly as well as prevent pimples. And digestion will remain healthy.

What to do to avoid constipation?

If you often have constipation problem, then eating some such things before breakfast in the morning will be beneficial, which help in increasing the smoothness inside the intestines and are rich in fiber. Motion is easy when you eat such things. The names of the 5 things we are talking about are as follows…

  • Chuara
  • fenugreek seeds
  • Gooseberry
  • cow ghee
  • raisins

How to consume them?

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Chuara: You eat 2 to 3 dried dates every day. Keep them soaked in water overnight and consume them in the morning before breakfast. You can take them with milk or you can consume them with lukewarm water.

Fenugreek seeds: Soak one spoon of fenugreek seeds in water at night and consume it first thing in the morning after waking up. That is, you have to consume them on an empty stomach. If the problem of constipation is increasing, then take one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds powder with lukewarm water before going to bed at night.

Gooseberry: Along with keeping constipation away, Amla protects from many health problems. You eat gooseberry marmalade in the morning on an empty stomach. If constipation problem is more then you can consume Amla soup in between lunch and dinner time.

cow ghee: Desi cow’s pure ghee works like a panacea for the digestive system. You can consume cow’s ghee in the morning by adding it to milk or tea. With this you will get rid of the problem of constipation.

Raisins : Consume 15 to 20 dry grapes soaked in water at night on an empty stomach in the morning. If you want to drink tea, coffee, milk, anything, then consume them after about 30 minutes of eating them. If you want to take some hot liquid after eating dry grapes, then take lukewarm water.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If gas is being produced in the stomach, do not eat things like tomatoes even by mistake, know whether eating will give relief

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