Kidney Health: The work of the kidney is to clean the blood and remove the waste material from the body. But if it stops working, then the body becomes a victim of many diseases and can even die. Due to poor lifestyle and wrong eating, the risk of kidney damage has increased. Excessive consumption of alcohol, heart disease, hepatitis C and HIV are the main causes of kidney damage. When such signs start appearing in the body, then one should be alert, because it can be a warning of kidney damage.
kidney problem
According to health experts, kidney disease is silent in the initial stage. After this, due to kidney problem, there may be swelling in the whole body of the sufferer, foamy urine and sometimes bleeding. When the kidney is weak, when toxins start accumulating in the body. Due to this, problems like back pain, pain in the lower part of the abdomen, rib pain, itching in the skin, dryness in the skin (kidney disease symptoms) start. High blood pressure is a common and early sign of kidney problems.
frequent urination
A healthy person urinates 6 to 10 times a day. If you have to urinate more often than this, then it should be understood that it can be a kidney disease. Frequent urination is felt due to kidney disease. Some people also have blood in their urine.
loss of appetite
If there is kidney disease, then there is a lack of appetite. Due to the accumulation of waste products in the body, one does not feel like eating anything. Having problems like nausea and vomiting as soon as you wake up in the morning is also a symptom of kidney disease. Due to this disease, the weight of the victim also decreases very fast.
dryness and itching of the skin
If someone’s skin is getting dry and he is having constant itching problem, then it can be a symptom of kidney infection. When the kidney is not able to filter the bad substances from the blood, then itching and dry skin starts.
feeling weak or tired
If you get tired quickly and you are feeling weak, then understand that it can be kidney disease. As kidney disease progresses, fatigue will start, dizziness will start and weakness will start to feel. There is more fatigue while walking in it.
swollen feet
Kidney filters extra sodium from the body. If it is not working properly, then the amount of sodium starts increasing in the body. In such a situation, there is swelling in the feet and ankles. This is called edema. Swelling also occurs on the eyes and face due to kidney disease.
sleeplessness, restlessness
Due to kidney infection, there is a problem of sleep and restlessness increases. There is also fear if sleep is not complete. If such symptoms are seen then the doctor should be contacted immediately.
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