ICSI CSEET 2023 Admit Card Released: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has released the admit card for the July exam of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test 2023. Those candidates who have applied can download the admit card by visiting the official website. To do this, the address of the official website is – www.icsi.edu, The exam will be conducted on 30th July. You can also click on the direct link given below to download the admit card.
These details will be needed
Candidates will have to enter their application number and date of birth to download the admit card for ICSI CSEET 2023 July exam. By entering it and following the steps mentioned below, they can download the admit card.
Mock test will start from this date
The mock test for ICSI CSEET 2023 will be conducted on 27 and 28 July 2023. Also know that in the instructions issued regarding the examination, it has been said that at the time of the examination, the candidates should keep ready their CSEET admit card for verification by remote proctors and any of the identity cards issued by the government department like passport, driving license, PAN card, Aadhaar card, voter card, etc. After showing these and only after verification, they will be able to take the exam.
Download admit card like this
- To download the admit card, first of all visit the official website i.e. icsi.edu.
- Here on the homepage go to the section named Latest ICSI News.
- Now click on the link named CSEET Admit Card 2023 Notification under the latest announcement section.
- After doing this, a new page will open again. The download link will be given on this page.
- Click on this link and enter your application number and date of birth etc. and submit.
- By doing this, your hall ticket will appear on the computer screen.
- Check it from here, download and take a print out.
- This will be useful for you in future.
Click on this direct link to download the admit card,
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