How to identify real jaggery?


It is beneficial to consume jaggery in the winter season. Especially in hilly areas, jaggery is consumed excessively as it provides many vitamins and iron to the body. Jaggery is not only beneficial in reducing weight but it also maintains the digestion system and blood circulation. Many types of dishes are also made by mixing jaggery, which keep the body warm.

Due to the good demand of jaggery in the winter season, adulterated jaggery is also sold in the market. In such a situation, you should be careful while buying it because if you eat adulterated jaggery then you may have health problems. Today in this article we will tell you how you can differentiate between fake and adulterated jaggery.

identify by color 

genuine The identity of jaggery is that its color is dark brown. If the color of the jaggery is white, light yellow or a bit bright red, then understand that the jaggery is adulterated.

Check with alcohol

Real jaggery You can take help of alcohol to check. First of all, take half a teaspoon of jaggery and add 6 ml of alcohol and mix it. Now add 20 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid to it. After this, if the color of the jaggery turns pink, then it means that the jaggery is adulterated or duplicate.

Difference between real and fake from water  

identify by taste 

Taste of real jaggery While the taste of imitation jaggery is slightly salty and bitter.

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