How the trend of jaggery-gram prasad started, which gods and goddesses enjoy jaggery-gram


Gud Chana Bhog: In Hindu religion, there is a law to offer bhog to the deities during any worship. Regarding offering food to God, God says in the Gita- ‘The devotee who offers letters, flowers, fruits, water etc. to me with love, I accept those letters, flowers, etc., lovingly offered by that devotee with pure intellect and selflessness. ‘

Whether worship is done at home or in the temple, there has been a tradition of offering prasad in front of the idols of the deities. Many types of bhog are included in Prasad, such as kheer, malpua, laddu, gram-mishri, coconut, jaggery-gram, halwa and fruits etc. In this, the prasad of jaggery gram is considered important. But do you know which deities should be offered jaggery-gram prasad and how the tradition of jaggery-gram prasad started.

How did the trend of jaggery-gram prasad started?

It is said in relation to jaggery-gram bhog that, once Devarshi Narad wanted to get the knowledge of the soul from Lord Vishnu. But whenever he went to Vishnuji, Vishnuji used to tell him first to become worthy of this knowledge. For this, Naradji did severe penance. But even after this, he did not get the knowledge of soul from Lord Vishnu.

Then Naradji started walking towards the earth. He saw a temple on earth, where he personally saw Vishnu sitting. He saw that an old woman was feeding something to God with her own hands. Naradji went to that woman and asked her with great curiosity, O mother! What divine ingredients were you feeding to Narayan, whom the Lord was lovingly receiving from your hands? The old woman told Naradji that she offered jaggery and gram to God.

After this, Naradji started chanting, penance and fasting while staying on the earth. He worshiped Lord Vishnu and offered jaggery and gram. At the same time, they started distributing jaggery and gram prasad among the people.
Pleased with the devotion of Naradji, one day Narayan appeared and gave him the knowledge of the soul. That old woman got Vaikunth Dham there. Lord Vishnu said to Narad, only a person with true devotion is entitled to knowledge. It is said that since then the practice of jaggery-gram prasad started. From sages, sages to devotees also get their blessings by offering prasad of jaggery and gram to their favorite.

Which deities are offered jaggery and gram prasad

  • Lord Vishnu: Shri Hari had said to Naradji, ‘The person who will lovingly offer me jaggery and gram dal, all his wishes will be fulfilled.’ Since then, all Vaishnav people get blessings of Vishnuji by offering jaggery and gram dal.
  • Hanuman: Prasad of jaggery gram is offered to Hanuman ji. It is believed that Hanuman ji’s grace is received by this and Mangal Dosha is also removed. If for some reason you are not able to offer anything to God, then on Tuesday and Saturday offer jaggery and gram to Hanuman ji with devotion. This will remove all your problems.
  • Mother Santoshi: Offer jaggery and gram in the worship of Santoshi Mata on Friday. You can take this prasad yourself and also distribute it among all. But don’t eat sour things after eating jaggery-gram prasad on Friday.
  • Shani Dev: To get the blessings of Shani Dev, offer jaggery or gram to Shani Dev on Saturday and distribute it among as many people as possible.

Benefits of jaggery-gram: From the religious point of view, offering of jaggery and gram is very important. Lord Vishnu himself has mentioned its importance. But jaggery-gram is also very beneficial from the point of view of health. Consuming jaggery and gram cures anemia and builds physical strength. Along with this, jaggery-gram prevents anemia and supplies the necessary energy in the body. Iron is absorbed in the body from jaggery and gram, energy is transmitted through it, so that the person does not feel tired and weak.

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