How does birth control pill work, what is its effect on the body? know the answer


Birth Control Pills: Birth control pills are a way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. There are many types of birth control pills available in the market. This also includes hormonal contraceptives available in the form of ‘pill’. Some people resort to pills to prevent pregnancy. This is the most popular method of preventing pregnancy. If pills are taken in the right way, then it gives success up to 99.9 percent.

However, one thing is worth noting here that if someone has got an infection like HIV due to sexual intercourse, then the pills do not work. Experts say that the most effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is condom, which not only prevents pregnancy, but also protects against many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In such a situation, let us know how birth control pills work and what effect it has on the body.

How do birth control pills work?

Most of the birth control pills available in the market are combination pills. These pills contain a mixture of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during a period). A woman is not pregnant until she ovulates. The pills also work by thickening the mucus around the cervix. This makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the uterus and any eggs. The hormones in the pill can also sometimes change the lining of the uterus.

What is the effect on the body?

Most people believe that hormonal birth control ie pills are used only to prevent pregnancy. Although it is more successful than other types of birth control. Because of this it has many advantages. It can be used to treat heavy periods, regularize the period cycle, cure many diseases including endometriosis, adenomyosis and hirsutism.

However, it also has some risks. As is the case with every medicine. It has some advantages, and some disadvantages. Because of this hormonal birth control affects our body in many ways. If you want to use it, you must first consult a doctor. Because of this, problems like vomiting, mood swings occur.

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