Check Tatkal Ticket Booking in Special Train
During the festival season, special trains are run to go to UP-Bihar or anywhere else. You can see Tatkal tickets in these trains. Some options can be found here. Here you have chances of getting tickets. You can book Tatkal tickets a day before the day you want to travel. However, this is a time when even booking Tatkal tickets is very difficult.
If you have budget, you can take a flight
Now if even after lakhs of efforts, a confirmed train ticket has not been found and you have money, then you can take a flight. Suppose you are in Delhi and you want to go to UP or Bihar then you can book flight tickets. The average fare from Delhi to Patna on 22 October is Rs 17,294. UP ticket can also be booked in the same way.
If there is no money then follow this method
If there is no money, you cannot get flight tickets, then you also have the option of bus. You can travel from any city to another by bus. Bus fare is also not high and hurry up, because there are very few seats left in it too.
also an option
Now if you are looking for an option other than train, flight and bus, then you can book a cab to go home. Although the fare of cab is much higher than train, flight and bus but it can reach your village easily.
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