Happy New Year 2023: If you want the coming year to be free from worries and sorrows, read these couplets of Kabir Das.


New Year 2023, Kabir Das Ke Dohe: Kabir Das was a saint, thinker and social reformer as well as a poet of Hindi literature, who condemned the evils and superstitions spread in the society through his writings.

One gets the real knowledge of life from the couplets of Kabir Das and learns a new way of living. This is the reason that even today many of his couplets are on people’s lips. Whenever someone does a wrong deed, he is made to realize his mistake by reciting couplets of Kabir Das.

New year 2023 Everyone is waiting for. Because the new year brings with it new hopes and expectations. Therefore, keep in mind that in the new year, you should not do any such work, you should not make any such mistake which makes others sad. In the new year, definitely adopt some couplets of Kabir Das in your life. These couplets of Kabir Das are the real knowledge of life, from which many lessons will be learned to live life in the new year.

10 most famous couplets of Sant Kabir Das

Whatever bad I went to see, I did not find anyone bad.
The heart that searches for itself, no one is worse than me.

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Meaning: When I went out to find evil in the world, I did not find any evil. But when I looked inside my mind, I found that there is no one worse than me.

It is better to die in life, who dies
The one who dies first, Ajay becomes immortal ||

Meaning: It is better to die while alive, if one knows how to die. Kabir says that one who dies before death becomes immortal. Because the one who has lost all his ego while living in the body, only those who are victorious over lust become free from life.

pothi Padhi Padhi jag mua, pandit bhay na koya, dhai aakhar prem ka, padhe so pandit hoya.

Meaning: In this couplet, Kabir says, many people in the world reached the door of death after reading big books. But not all can be scholars. If someone reads only two and a half letters of love, then by recognizing the real form of love, that will be the true knowledge.

monk should be like this, like soup,
getting to the bottom of the matter, Fly away a little bit.

Meaning: One should be like a soup cleaning the grains. The one who saves the meaningful element and blows away the meaningless as straw. Means the knowledgeable is the one who understands the importance of the matter and does not get affected by the adjectives behind it.

If you don’t sleep with a straw, the one who is pure, if your eyes become teary, then the pain becomes intense.

Meaning: Kabir says in this couplet that, never condemn even a small straw which gets buried under your feet. If ever that straw flies and falls into the eye, it hurts so deeply.

As is the food you eat, so is your mind.
As you drink water, so is your speech.

Meaning: Kabirdas says that the food you eat, the mind will be built like that and the water you drink, so will your speech. That is, the mind and speech are also purified by pure-satvik food and holy water. In the same way one becomes like the company one stays in.

Because of all the deeds, Bigoy has laughed.
Then the whole uncle would be ashamed of all four feet.

Meaning: Kabir Das ji says, for the dignity of his family, a person spoiled himself, otherwise he was a swan. What will happen to the dignity of that clan when it will have to become an animal in the future without charity and satsang.

watching the mill running, Diya Kabira cried.
between two bridges, No one is left intact.

Meaning: Tears came out of the eyes of Kabir Das ji on seeing the moving mill. They say that there is nothing left between the two sides of the mill.

Desire is gone, worries are gone, you are carefree. The one who does not want anything is a king.

Meaning: In this couplet, Kabir Das ji says, since the desire and anxiety to get has disappeared, since then the mind has become carefree. The one who does not want anything in this world is the biggest emperor, that means he is happy.

Soil says to the potter, why do you cry?
One day such a thing will come, I will make you cry.

Meaning: The soil says to the potter, that today you are trampling me under your feet.
One day it will come that I will trample you under my feet.

read this also: Happy New Year 2023: In the new year, youth should take these 10 things of Swami Vivekananda in life, success will kiss your step

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