H3N2 Influenza: The cases of H3N2 influenza are continuously increasing in the country. After Kovid, now people are coming in the grip of this virus. It is usually a seasonal disease but can cause serious harm to those with weak immunity. The virus can also harm other parts of the body. Doctors say that H3N2 influenza can cause serious harm to such patients who have kidney problems. Due to influenza, there is a risk of acute kidney failure in 30 percent of the cases of seriously ill patients. That’s why people already suffering from diabetes, heart disease or any other disease are being advised to be more careful.
kidney patients pay attention
According to health experts, if influenza infection occurs in dialysis and kidney transplant patients, it can be dangerous. Due to this, patients may have heart disease. Doctors say that the risk of any virus is high in patients with chronic kidney disease. In such a situation, if you are suffering from serious kidney disease, then there is a need to be careful. Whenever going out of the house for dialysis, one should stay away from influenza. Because if kidney patients come under the grip of this virus, then the situation can become serious.
Kidney patients can protect themselves from H3N2 in this way
1. Whenever kidney patients go out, wear a mask.
2. Be more careful and avoid infection while going to the hospital.
3. Avoid coming in contact with an infected person.
4. Do not eat food without washing hands.
5. Pay attention to cleanliness.
Vaccine can keep safe
The doctor says that after kidney dialysis and kidney transplant, patients should get influenza vaccine. Kidney specialist should visit the doctor regularly. If kidney patients see any symptoms of flu, they should reach the doctor without delay. Avoid negligence otherwise the situation may worsen.
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