Rajma Chawal Health Benefits: On hearing the name of Rajma Chawal, most of the people’s mouth starts watering. This dish is rich in protein, iron and carbohydrates. Rajma rice is a great dish not only for taste but also for health. Health experts tell that there are many health benefits of eating Rajma rice, which you might not know about. Rajma is also called kidney beans. It is a good powerhouse of protein. Kidney beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, which can be consumed for weight loss as well as for many health benefits.
According to the Times Now report, Rajma rice helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Rajma is also a good source of plant protein. It has also been known that eating it mixed with curd increases its effect further. Let us know about more benefits of Rajma…
1. Weight Loss: These days a large number of people are worried due to weight gain. Obesity or overweight works to increase the risk of many diseases. That’s why it is necessary to keep it under control. Rajma is rich in soluble dietary fiber, which works to keep you full for a long time. If your stomach is full then you will not have the craving to eat unhealthy food. Beans boost metabolism rapidly, which helps in reducing weight.
2. Improves blood sugar level: Increased blood sugar level can give rise to many diseases including heart related problems. That’s why it is necessary to control it. Rich in protein and fiber, kidney beans can prove helpful in controlling blood sugar levels. Rajma has a low glycemic index. Therefore it can prevent the increase in blood sugar level.
3. Prevents Cancer: According to some studies, kidney beans and other legumes can reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. Beans are rich in many nutrients and fiber. These have anti-cancer properties. They can also reduce the risk of colon cancer.
How to make Rajma Chawal healthy?
Here we are giving some tips, with the help of which you can make Rajma rice a healthy dish.
1. For fast weight loss, you can use brown rice instead of white rice. Because the amount of fat in it is less. Not only this, the level of sugar is also found less in brown rice.
2. Rajma and rice both should be in equal quantity in your plate. This is because it does not become the reason for flatulence.
3. Always include fresh green salads, which are full of nutrients.
4. Before making rajma sabzi, soak them overnight or just an hour before boiling. If kidney beans are not cooked properly then it can cause problems like gas, bloating and stomach upset.
Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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