Genetically-Inspired Diet: How Your DNA Plays Role In Nutrition And Weight Loss


{By: Dr Shrinidhi  Nathany, Consultant Molecular Hematologist and Oncologist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram}

There has been of late a lot of hype on modifiable lifestyle factors which help you not only live healthier but apparently longer. one important factor is what we eat. Many times doctors are faced with a question, “did i get this disease because of what my eating habits are?” Well now to an extent the answer maybe yes.

Our DNA has genes which decide how would you metabolose certain foods and how would it regulate your appetite and the inflammation and processes around it. So if you have a DNA signature saying you can eat cake: Then remember you can “eat the cake and have it too” but if it says you cant, then if you eat, its going to work against your bodys immune system and cell processes. There are tests which detect these mutations which are called single nucleotide polymorphisms in your DNA through a simple blood test and generates a report which provides comprehensive report on a possible weight loss or gain program alongside sensitive foods.  

How this works is based on a whole genome and epigenome test which is available both in India and abroad; however currently cost close to a 1000 dollars. It is backed by an artificial intelligence system which curates data and compares the patients result with what is there in its database. Based on that the report is generated which provides information on sensitive foods, metabolism profile, weight loss or gain necessity as well as regulation of appetite, inflammatory proceses and cellular level metabolism.

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The Reason Behind Many Athletes And Sportsmen Are Opting For This:

Metabolism is the key to not only a good physical health but also mental, emotional and intelligence quotients of an individual. Eating the right food has always been linked to how well you would fair on a test. Our parents always fed us upto our nose before an exam, not knowing whether it’s depressing our mental faculties or alerting them. Now through a genetically determined food menu, you can understand better what is going to make us fail the most important medical college entrance test!

How Reliable Is This?

Well the answer to this is, ultimately its a machine! You can love it or hate it, you are anyways going to use it. In the next decade, I visualise an increased uptake of this owing to the growing health revolution even in India. These tests claim to have an accuracy of more than 90percent, but till we have scientific evidence in literature its difficult to completely rely on this as a medical professional.

Would This Be Prescribed To All Patients?

Well, No, I will not endorse this test, albeit will give an option to the patient. The caveat here is the AI generated report which may not be personalised and validated. In the doctors’ opinion, for this to translate clincally, it needs some stringent validation and accreditation by regulatory authorities. So listen to what your genes say, they decide what you can or cannot eat!

[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]

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