Garuda Purana: Do this work daily, happiness will remain in life


Garuda Purana Niti: A total of 4 Vedas and 18 Mahapuranas are described in Hinduism. The essence of knowledge and life is hidden in these Vedas and Puranas. Garuda Purana is also in 18 Mahapuranas. It describes a conversation between Lord Vishnu and his vehicle Garuda (bird), describing the events of life, death and after death. Every person should recite Garuda Purana with a pure mind after becoming pure. Such mysterious things have been told in Garuda Purana, by adopting which you can get rid of many troubles and lead a happy life.

In Garuda Purana, some such works have been told, by doing which on a daily basis, happiness remains in life and happiness and good fortune increases. Only by doing these works, a person attains salvation after death.

  • food donation Donating is called the biggest virtue of a person’s life. According to Garuda Purana, if you donate food to the hungry and needy every day according to your capacity, then your virtuous deeds will increase. By donating, blessings remain in the family.
  • contemplate- By the way, it is said that a person should be free from worries. Because contemplation has an effect on your body and mind. But according to Garuda Purana, contemplation means meditation and chanting. A person must meditate with a calm mind for some time every day. This gives peace to the mind.
  • Offer food to God Some people start eating after cooking food by serving food themselves. But in Garuda Purana it has been told wrong. Food made at home should first be offered to God. Due to this, the grace of Goddess Lakshmi remains at home and Annapurna resides. But keep in mind that always offer pure food to God.

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