From Bank of Maharashtra to BHU, recruitment on bumper posts is going on here, know the details


Government Job Alert: From Banaras Hindu University to Bank of Maharashtra, recruitment is going on for bumper posts in these institutions. You can apply for the one you are eligible for. The last date of application for some recruitment has passed, while there is still time for some. Check it and apply as per requirement. To know the details, you can check the notice given on the official website.

BHU Recruitment 2023

Recruitment has come out on different posts of faculty in BHU. Interested candidates 31 July 2023 You can apply before. To do this, they have to visit the official website of Banaras Hindu University, whose address is –, A total of 307 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.

cgpdtm recruitment 2023

Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks has taken recruitment for many posts. CGPDTM has invited applications from eligible candidates for 503 posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs. Last date to fill the form 4 August 2023 Is. Here is the address you need to apply – will go on.

ncl recruitment

Northern Coalfields Limited has taken out bumper recruitment for the post of Apprentice. Here applications have been invited from eligible candidates for 700 posts. Last date to apply is 3 August 2023, To apply, you have to go to the official website of Northern Coalfields Limited, whose address is –,

RRC North Eastern Railway Recruitment

Railway Recruitment Cell, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur has recruited for the post of Apprentice. The last date to fill the form for these vacancies is 02 August 2023. A total of 1104 posts will be filled in various trades through this recruitment drive. To apply, you have to go to the official website of North Eastern Railway, whose address is –, to know details Can also go to

bank of maharashtra recruitment

Bumper recruitment has come out in Bank of Maharashtra on Officer Scale I and II. To apply, one has to go to the official website of the bank, whose address is –, The last date to fill the form is 25 July 2023. A total of 400 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.

Read also: IBPS RRB PO Admit Card released

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