From acidity to headache, these problems are the result of poor digestion, know the remedies


Healthy Digestive System: ‘Whatever you eat, the body doesn’t feel it’ Have you also heard someone say this? You must have heard it or must have experienced it in your own life. Because not being able to eat and drink does not mean being too thin or weak. Rather it means that your body is not getting the nutrition of what you are eating, due to which you may feel tired, irritable and sad all the time.

People whose body is healthy in appearance, it is not necessary that they are also powerful and active. Because there is no point in looking healthy until you feel that health yourself. That is, do not feel recharged, active and happy all the time. All these qualities are felt in the body only when you get the essence of the food you eat.

Why doesn’t the body feel like eating or drinking?

  • There are two main reasons for the lack of nutritional value in the body, the first is that there is a lack of nutrition in your food itself. Like, you are eating more deep fried, made of white flour, canned things, then this problem occurs.
  • The second reason is that your digestion is not correct. That is, if you eat dry fruits, green vegetables, fruits and dairy products, but still there is a lack of energy in the body. Because your digestive system is not able to function properly and is not able to prepare and give proper juice of this food to the intestines. That’s why the intestines are not able to absorb nutrition from the food you eat and you feel weak even after taking a healthy diet.
  • Now know a third reason for this problem as well. This is the accumulation of feces in the intestines. Those who eat more things made of flour, who have constipation and who do not pass the motion properly at once. Such people also do not feel energy in the body despite taking a healthy diet. The reason for this is that the health of your intestines is not right.

symptoms of poor digestion

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  1. flatulence
  2. headache
  3. nausea
  4. heartburn
  5. belch
  6. Abdominal distension
  7. body heaviness
  8. falling asleep after eating
  9. being tired all the time

What are the home remedies to boost digestion?

  • After eating food, eat roasted fennel on the plate. Chew it slowly and eat it.
  • Make cumin-whole coriander and fennel tea and drink it two to three times a day. Boil all three together, do not use sugar in it.
  • After half an hour of eating, eat half a spoon of celery, a pinch of black salt with warm water.
  • Bring myrabalan pills and keep them at home. You will find these tablets at any Ayurvedic medical store. Eat one to two tablets by sucking half an hour after the meal.
  • After about 30 minutes of eating food, chew green cardamom slowly and eat it.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If you work for hours on laptop, then you must eat fennel, know what is the reason

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