From AAI to RSMSSB, there is a glut of government jobs here, know for whom you can apply


Government Job Alert: Looking for a job in Bank or want to do a job in Airport Authority of India. There is a good chance to get a government job in all these places. Keep in mind that at some places the applications have just started and at some places the last date to apply is near. So do not delay and fill the form immediately. You can visit the official website to see the details related to them.

AAI Recruitment 2023

Airport Authority of India has taken recruitment for 342 posts. These posts are of Junior Executive, Junior Assistant and Senior Assistant. Applications have not started yet, registration will start 5 August 2023 From and the last date to fill the form is 4 September 2023, To do this, you have to go to the official website of AAI, whose address is –, On selection, the salary is up to 1 lakh 40 thousand.

quality council of india recruitment 2023

Quality Council of India has sought applications from eligible candidates for 553 Group A and other posts. last date to apply 4 August 2023 Is. To apply, you have to go to the official website of Quality Council of India, whose address is –, To apply, the candidates of General and OBC category will have to pay a fee of Rs 1000.

ibps recruitment

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has extended the last date to apply for the bumper post of Clerk. Now the form can be filled for these recruitments till 28 July 2023. Selection will be through examination. The pre exam will be conducted in the month of August 2023. The results will come in the month of September/October 2023. A total of 4045 Clerk posts will be filled in various banks through this recruitment drive. To apply, you have to visit the official website of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, whose address is –,

AIIMS Raipur Recruitment

Recruitment is going on for 358 non-faculty posts in AIIMS Raipur. The last date to apply for them was fixed on July 19, which has now been changed. Now applications for these vacancies of AIIMS Raipur can be made till 31st July. Only online applications can be made for these posts. To do this, you have to go to the official website of AIIMS Raipur, whose address is –,

rsmssb recruitment 2023

Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, Jaipur has recruited more than five thousand posts. The last date to fill the form is 26 July 2023. These posts belong to Tehsil Accountant and Revenue Accountant. Applications will be online only, for this candidates will have to visit this website –, At the same time, to see the notice, one has to go to the official website of RSMSSB, whose address is –, Candidates will be recruited for a total of 5388 posts.

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