For how long did the war of Mahabharata last? After all why Arjuna’s chariot was burnt to ashes after the war


Story of Mahabharata: The war of Mahabharata is called Dharma Yuddha and destructive war. Which happened between Kauravas and Pandavas. It is said that the ambitions of the Kauravas had reached their peak.

On the other hand, even after having knowledge like Vidur, King Dhritarasht’s son was so engrossed in fascination that he could not even see right and wrong. When Draupadi was being ripped apart in the crowded assembly, even then everyone was sitting with bowed heads as a witness to this shameful incident.

In the war of Mahabharata, Kauravas fought with Ardham and Pandavas with Dharma in the field of Kurukshetra. Many such special incidents happened during the Mahabharata war, which are still like education, field, message and preaching for the people. The origin of Gita sermon is also believed to be from Kurukshetra, the battlefield of Mahabharata, which was received by Shri Krishna to Arjuna.

But do you know for how many days the war of Mahabharata lasted and why Arjuna’s chariot was burnt to ashes after the war, on which Arjuna and his charioteer Shri Krishna were riding.

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For how long did the Mahabharata war last?

The war of Mahabharata lasted for 18 days. According to astrologers and experts, 6 months before the beginning of Kali Yuga, the war started from Marshish Shukla 14, which continued for 18 days.

On the last day i.e. the eighteenth day of Mahabharata, Bhima strikes Duryodhana’s thigh, which leads to Duryodhana’s death and thus the Pandavas become victorious due to Duryodhana’s death.

Why did Arjuna’s chariot burn to ashes after the Mahabharata war?

The chariot on which Arjun was fighting the war of Mahabharata, Shri Krishna, Hanuman ji and Sheshnag were also in it. At the behest of Shri Krishna, Arjuna invoked Hanuman ji and urged him to sit on the chariot with the flag (flag) and at the behest of Shri Krishna, Sheshnag held the wheel of Arjuna’s chariot, so that the powerful weapons could also be carried on the chariot. Don’t be affected. All this arrangement was done for Arjuna of Shri Krishna. Because Arjuna was fighting for Dharma.

When the war ended and the Pandavas became victorious, Arjuna told Lord Krishna that first you get down from the chariot, then I will get down. Shri Krishna said on this, no Arjun, first you get down. Arjun got down from the chariot by obeying God’s orders and orders. After this Shri Krishna also got down from the chariot. Sheshnag also left the chariot and went to Patal Lok and Hanuman ji also disappeared.

After getting down from the chariot, Shri Krishna took Arjuna to some distance and in the meantime flames started coming out of Arjuna’s chariot and the chariot was burnt to ashes. Arjun was surprised and asked Shri Krishna, God what happened!

Krishna said – O Arjun! This chariot was burnt long before the attack of divine weapons of Bhishma Pitamah, Dronacharya and Karna. Because Hanuman ji and myself were on the chariot carrying the flag, so the chariot was moving with my resolve. Now that your task is over, I left it and that’s why this chariot was destroyed.’

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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