Fever after getting cold indicates these diseases..Know everything related to it


fever with coldIt is common to have a change in the weather and fever in the winter season, but many times you must have noticed that first you feel cold and then fever comes. There is no serious reason behind this, but there can be many reasons for this, Let’s know about them

Malaria-In Malaria, you may get cold and fever. Malaria is spread by the bite of female mosquito Anopheles. In this mosquito, a protozoa named Plasmodium is found, due to which it multiplies in the blood due to mosquito bite and then infects the human body. makes sick. The person suffering from this disease has symptoms like fever, shivering. This can be one of the main reasons for fever due to chills.

physical activities-Many times when you do physical activities like weight lifting or running excessively, then in such a situation fever comes due to chills due to heat, fatigue.

HypothermiaIn hypothermia, you may get cold and fever. Let us tell you that our body has a normal temperature, which is controlled by the body. When the body temperature suddenly falls below this normal and safe level, then it is hypothermia. In this problem, your body is not able to produce as much body heat as the heat is being used by your body.

Viral feverMany times cold also occurs due to viral fever in the changing season. In such a situation, you may suffer from fever and cold.

Hypothyroidism-In this problem, along with the fall in your metabolism, the body temperature can also come down below normal, in such a situation, there may be chills along with fever many times. According to experts, in the event of the thyroid gland not being able to produce enough hormones hypothyroidism Could be a problem.

typhoid-When a person is also suffering from typhoid, first he feels cold, then the temperature starts to build up. In typhoid, bacteria increase their number after entering the body, in such a way, the body increases the temperature to destroy them.

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