Side effect of room heater:The torture of winter continues in the whole of North India. Blankets, quilts, woolen clothes are everything, but the cold is not taking the name of stopping. In such a situation, many people are taking the support of bonfires, while many people are using room heaters. People are also getting a lot of comfort because in this cold winter, the temperature of the room becomes completely normal with the room heater, but do you know that the room heater you are using to get heat is putting your life in danger. Can put in, in this article we will know how.
Harmful to the skinIn the winter season, our body does not remain hydrated in the same way. Because of drinking less water, there is a lack of water in the body. Natural moisture is also lost. In such a situation, keeping the heater running in the room for a long time and sleeping with the heater on overnight can be harmful for your face, because the temperature of the room heater The presence completely snatches the moisture from the air, due to which your skin becomes dry, lifeless, dry. If your skin is very sensitive then the chances of getting red spots on the skin, itching increases.
Effect on immunity- In winter, when you turn on the room heater in the room, the temperature of the room and the temperature outside the room are different. In such a situation, when you go out of the room, there is a sudden change in temperature. You feel cold. This can be very dangerous for your body. In such a situation, your immune system has a bad effect. And you may fall ill, you may have an attack of cold.
Possibility of brain hemorrhageMany people use gas heater. It increases the chances of sleep death. Because it releases carbon monoxide. In such a situation, the amount of carbon monoxide present in the room can stop the supply of blood to the brain, due to which there is a possibility of brain hemorrhage and sudden death.
Asthma patients at riskAsthma patients especially should not use room heater. The monocarbon dioxide released from it can reach the body through the respiratory tract and create a dangerous situation for the asthma patient, due to which there is a risk of death.
damage to the eyesLighting a room heater not only affects your face, hair but also your eyes. It takes away the moisture from the eyes. In such a situation, there is a problem of dryness in the eyes. It is itchy and then the risk of irritation and infection increases.
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