Oversleeping Effect: Sleeping more and less both are dangerous for health. Some people have the habit of sleeping more and some have the habit of sleeping less. Some people sleep for 8 to 10 hours at night but still feel like sleeping during the day. This habit is not good. The cause of oversleeping effect can be a disease called hypersomnia. In this disease, despite getting enough sleep at night, sleepiness continues during the day. Sometimes I fall asleep even while working. Let us know what is this disease and how dangerous it is.
what causes hypersomnia
According to health experts, till date no exact information has been received as to what is the exact cause of this disease. However, some research has revealed that this disease can also occur due to genetic reasons. If someone is a victim of obesity, then this disease takes him in his grip. In many cases, this can also happen due to Parkinson’s disease.
excessive sleep mental problem
According to psychiatrists, nowadays people are going into depression due to poor mental condition. This can also have the opposite effect. Because of which hypersomnia can come in the grip. This problem can happen at any age. But most of the cases happen in the age group of 30 to 40 years.
treatment of hypersomnia
There can be many reasons for hypersomnia. Its biggest symptom is that one gets more sleep than others. If you are in the grip of this disease, then you should see a doctor. Treatment is done according to your medical history. That’s why don’t hide anything from the doctor. Give them complete information about how long they sleep at night and during the day. If you are taking any medicine, then also tell it. You can also get the treatment of this disease from a psychiatrist.
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