EPFO Portal: There is news of work for the pensioners of Employees’ Provident Fund Organization. If you have any kind of problem related to your pension, then you will not have to visit EPFO’s office to settle it. You can register your complaint sitting at home only by visiting the portal of Employees Provident Fund Organisation. This portal has been specially created to solve the problems of pensioners. EPFO’s aim behind launching this portal is to provide Ease of Living to the people.
Many times pensioners have to face many problems. In such a situation, to remove all these complaints, they have to visit EPFO’s office again and again. In such a situation, now with the help of this portal, you can easily handle every work. Let us know what kind of complaints can be resolved in this-
Life certificate inquiry
Let us tell you that there are crores of people across the country who get pension facility every day from the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. In such a situation, these pensioners have to submit their life certificate once in a year. If this is not done, EPFO closes the pension facility. In such a situation, if you want to get any information related to submission of life certificate from the portal, then you can get the information by visiting this portal.
Find PPO number
To find out any information related to pension, it is necessary to have PPO number. This is a 12 digit unique number which is used to get any information related to pension. It is necessary to enter the PPO number in the pension passbook. If you want to transfer your pension account from one bank to another, then you can do it through PPO number. If you do not have PPO number, you can also get it from the employee portal. For this, you only have to submit the registered bank account number.
Can know the status of pension
Apart from this, you can also inquire about PPO and know the status of your pension. If your pension is stuck, then you will not have to go round the EPFO office and your time will be saved.
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