Earlier, green vegetables were removed from the plate, now there is trouble on the glass of milk of common people.


Right now the condition of the people is bad due to inflation in the whole country. Even though the retail inflation is less than 5 percent in the government figures, but the condition of the common people is getting worse. The situation is such that green vegetables have disappeared from the plates of common people. Meanwhile, a bad news is that the price of milk may also increase in the coming days, which is already at a record level. According to a news, the price of milk may increase by up to 5 percent in the coming days. This increase may happen despite the fact that milk prices are not only already at a record high level, but have also increased at a record pace in the recent past. At the same time, the common people are already troubled by the increased prices of other essential food items. There was a slight increase in the rate of retail inflation during the month. According to the official data, the rate of inflation in July stood at 4.49 percent. Earlier, during the month of June, retail inflation was 4.25 percent, which is the lowest level in almost two years. The rate of retail inflation was running more than the upper limit of the Reserve Bank for one and a half years.

Such is the condition of green vegetables

The rate of retail inflation has just started to decrease. It was reported that the prices of many green vegetables and spices, including tomatoes, chillies, caught fire. In many cities of the country, the price of tomato has reached Rs 250 per kg. The price of chili has also gone up to Rs 200 per kg. The same condition happened with almost all the green vegetables. Among spices, the prices of cumin and garam masala have increased wildly.

This is how milk has become costlier

Talking about milk, its price has increased by more than 22 percent in the last 3 years. Has come. Milk has become costlier by about Rs 10 per liter in the last one year, while the price of milk has more than doubled in the last decade. Be it Mother Dairy or dairy companies like Amul and Sudha, all have increased the price of milk one after the other. That the prices of animal feed are at a record level right now. Production has been affected by lumpy illness. Due to monsoon and weather, the possibility of damage to crops in the coming season has increased. In such a situation, animal feed can become more expensive. This means that the situation is not good on both the cost and production front. The demand for milk has increased after the pandemic. In this way, all the factors are in favor of increasing the price of milk.

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