Dryness in hands… Cracked skin? So follow these 5 home remedies, you will get instant relief


Due to coming in contact with things like harsh soaps, chemical products and incense sticks, many times our hands start cracking and become dry. This is often seen more with women who do domestic work. Due to lack of proper care, these problems go on increasing. Sometimes such a situation arises that bleeding starts from the palms. If you are facing a similar problem these days, then we have come up with some such home remedies, using which will help you a lot to get rid of these problems and your hands will also remain soft.  

Follow these home remedies

Coconut oil: Coconut oil is considered best for many problems of the body. From cracking of hands to cracking of feet, they are used to remove many problems. It is also considered very beneficial for problems related to hair. This oil is usually present in most homes. Using this oil helps a lot in removing dryness of hands. It keeps your skin hydrated. It also removes dryness of hands. To remove dryness of hands, put a few drops of this oil on your palms. Gently rub it all over your hands. By doing this daily, you will see many benefits. 

Aloe vera: Many medicinal properties are also found in aloe vera. It is not only beneficial for the skin, but can also solve many hair problems. According to medical science, using aloe vera gel on dry skin helps in retaining moisture and also removes dryness. All you have to do is take some aloe vera gel on your hands. Then rub it well on the hands. 

Use of oat mill: Oat has antiinflammatory properties. According to a study, it is very helpful in removing dryness of the skin. To use it, first make a paste of oatmeal powder and water. Apply it on your hand daily. This will work to soften your hands.

Use of honey: Honey can also be used comfortably to remove dryness of hands. Anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties are found in abundance in honey. Along with improving the skin, it also works to make it soft. All you have to do is apply honey on your hands and leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes. After this wash with water.

Use of petroleum jelly: You can also use petroleum jelly to remove the problem of dryness of hands. It makes your skin soft. You have to wash your hands and massage well with petroleum jelly. Then it has to be left on for a few hours.

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