Don’t make eating difficult by adding sugar to curd


The tradition of eating curd and sugar together in summer is in almost every household in India. Curd and sugar have also been considered good for health. It is said that it is very good for the stomach. Not only this, whenever we go out of the house for any auspicious work, how our grandmothers used to feed us a spoonful of curd and sugar. They still do. If you have to go for some important work, then it is considered good to eat curd and sugar. On the other hand, many health experts consider curd and sugar to be good for the stomach, while some have their disadvantages. Get. Who does not like to eat curd and sugar together. But do you know that this is an invitation to many diseases. If you are addicted to eating sugar with curd, then you may have many health problems. Along with this, the risk of many other diseases also increases, curd has its own natural sweetness. In such a situation, eating sugar mixed with it can cause many harms?

Can cause tooth decay

If you eat curd with sugar mixed with it daily, then your teeth can get serious decay. Is. Therefore, whenever you eat curd mixed with sugar, clean your mouth thoroughly. Otherwise, you may have cavity problems as well as toothache. 

Heart disease

Eating curd mixed with sugar can cause heart disease. Is. Actually, sugar contains a lot of calories. Because of which high blood pressure can also occur. 

Risk of diabetes increases

Eating sugar mixed with curd increases blood sugar level. So avoid eating it. Also, if you eat curd mixed with sugar on a daily basis, then the risk of getting diabetes increases considerably. 


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