Does getting more exercise help in keeping the heart healthy? Know what experts say


There is no doubt that the body gets many benefits by exercising. Some people believe that doing more exercise helps in keeping the heart healthy. But is it true? Can exercising more really keep the heart healthy? Actually, there are many types of misconceptions in the minds of people regarding exercise, which are in dire need of removal. Most of the people think that exercising only gives benefits, while they do not know that due to this many times they have to face big physical problems.

In a statement published in ‘Circulation’ magazine in March 2020, experts from the American Heart Association said that exercise done in limited amounts is beneficial, but if exercised excessively, it can also cause harm. According to a report in the Indian Express, exercise helps prevent at least 40 health conditions that worsen due to physical inactivity. These health conditions include diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, tension, obesity, osteoarthritis and breast, colon and other cancers.

Does exercise increase life expectancy?

According to a report, compared to those who do not exercise, at the age of 50, life expectancy is seven to eight years more in those who exercise. However, despite so many benefits, exercising does not always prove to be that beneficial. In the recent past, many such cases have come to the fore, in which people who go to the gym and stay fit have suffered cardiac arrest. These incidents forced people to think that why even people who were fit and doing gymming had to face heart related problems.

Does exercise cure heart problems?

Exercise can reduce heart-related problems, but there is no guarantee that if you exercise, your heart will remain healthy or you will not have to face heart-related problems. Exercises that get your heart rate and breathing up (such as fast walking, swimming or cycling, jogging or dancing) are called aerobic or endurance exercises. All adults can and should do these exercises.

Aerobic exercise helps in reducing body weight as well as relaxing blood vessels and reducing blood pressure. In addition, helps burn calories, control blood sugar levels and burn fat. This cardio also reduces inflammation and increases the level of good cholesterol. Aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many health related risks.

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