People thinking of losing weight first decide to leave those food items, which can lead to weight gain. Many times, in an attempt to lose weight, we keep distance from those things, from which we can get essential nutrients, such as rice and potatoes etc. You must have heard many times that consumption of things like rice and potatoes increases the chances of weight gain. These are included in fatty foods. But do you know that the foods that you consider to be weight gainers can actually prove to be helpful in reducing your weight?
According to nutritionist Akanksha J Sharda, people stay away from some food items only because they feel that they work to increase weight. But it is not so at all. Come let’s know about some such food items…
1. Potato: It is true that potato is rich in carbs and starch, but it is also true that potato is also rich in immunity-boosting vitamin C and fiber. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100 gram portion of potato contains two grams of fiber and up to two grams of protein. Not only this, it is also a low-calorie food. The presence of protein also makes it a best food option for weight loss. Try consuming potatoes on a weight loss diet. First of all, boil the potatoes well so that the starch comes out of them. Also, cook potatoes in less oil. Eat potatoes mixed with those vegetables, which are considered very nutritious.
2. Rice: Some people even stop eating rice to reduce weight. While this will not affect your weight that much. Like potatoes, rice is also high in starch and carbs. Although it is also very easy to digest. This is the reason that eating rice does not store fat in the body. You can consume rice in limited quantity every day. Another good method is to boil the rice and drain off the excess water to extract the starch.
3. Protein Drinks: Instead of packaged protein drinks, you should rely on homemade protein smoothies, as they will not work to increase your weight at all and will also keep you healthy. Homemade protein smoothie without sugar free and natural protein rich food items can really prove to be a good option for you.
4. Eggs: Most people are seen avoiding eggs, especially egg yolk, because they believe that consumption of yolk can increase their weight. But you should know that the yolk alone makes up 90 percent of the calcium in the egg and is rich in protein and vitamin D3.
5. Oats: Fiber-rich oats are a good option for weight loss. It is high in carbs. Nutritionists have claimed that eating oats does not increase weight. Because they contain healthy carbs, which can actually work for weight loss.
Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.
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