Nose Picking Habit: Children, elders, elderly people all do this by putting finger in the nose. In medical term, putting finger in the nose is called rhinotillexomania. Some do it secretly and some do it in front. Many times while doing this, if someone catches sight of us, we start looking here and there out of shame.
Actually it is considered a dirty habit. Everyone does it but they don’t let it be revealed in front. But do you know that by doing this you may have to bear heavy losses. Research from Australia’s Griffith University found in a study on rats that bacteria reached the brain of rats via the nasal passages, indicating Alzheimer’s due to this bacteria. This study was published in Science Magazine Scientific Reports, in which it was said that a bacteria named Kalamedia can infect humans, this bacteria can be responsible for pneumonia.
Let us know about the disadvantages of putting finger in the nose.
- Nose picking can cause nasal vestibulitis, which can lead to painful itching in the nose. If you poke your finger in the nose, it can pull out the hair from the pores and small pimples can occur.
- Many times people forcefully put their finger to remove the dirt accumulated in the nose, due to which the blood vessels can get cut and it can cause bleeding.
- According to research, this is not a good habit, if the lining of the nose is damaged due to putting a finger in the nose, then bacteria can reach the brain. Because of this, you can lose the ability to hear, it can also be the beginning of Alzheimer’s.
- Staphylococcus bacteria can spread by putting a finger in the nose, which can lead to pneumonia and bone disease.
- By putting a finger in the nose, the bacteria of the nose also get on your hand, after which it can enter the eyes, mouth and all other parts of the body and cause infections and diseases.
- If you repeatedly finger in the nose, there may be a hole in the carrier septum between the nostrils, which is called perforated septum, so leave the dirty habit as soon as possible so that there is no harm to the health.
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