Do not panic if BP suddenly decreases, adopt this home remedy, blood pressure will be controlled quickly.


Low BP Home Remedies: Do you often feel weak or dizzy, then be careful, because it can be a sign of low BP. Low blood pressure can happen at any time. People even faint in this. There can be a risk of brem haemorrhage due to low BP. If suddenly BP becomes low and you start going through such a situation, then instead of getting worried, adopt Low BP Home Remedies, which will help you get out of this problem. Let’s know the home remedy to avoid sudden low BP…

what to do when bp is low

1. Drink salt water when BP is low. Sodium helps in balancing low BP. This problem is overcome by the hydration level in the body.

2. If you want to cure low BP, you can drink a cup of strong coffee. This is an effective home remedy.

3. Drinking hot milk can also solve the problem of low BP.

4. If there is a sudden increase in blood flow in the arteries, it can be controlled by isometric hand grip exercises. However, before doing this, do take the advice of an expert or a doctor.

decrease in BP

messed up lifestyle

Excessive intake of processed food and beverages

genetic hypertension

heavy smoking

heavy drinking

Tips to avoid low BP

1. Get health checkup done every month. With this, the condition of BP will be known and treatment can be done in time.

Increase the amount of salt in food. There is even less BP control than this.

Exercise daily. Due to this, the stamina remains strong and the problem of BP goes away.

Do morning walk and running. They are very helpful in keeping the body healthy.

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