Do not do this mistake in the scorching heat, there may be a problem of blood clotting


Summer Health Tips: Summer is wreaking havoc across the country at this time. In many states, the temperature has crossed 45 degrees. In the scorching heat, people are troubled by sweating and the deadly sun is making them worse. There is a lot of damage to health in such scorching heat, health experts advise special care of health in this season. In such a season, where there is a lack of water in the body, along with heatstroke and heat stroke, many other dangers arise. Let us tell you that in the summer, dehydration occurs first in the body and due to this dehydration, the body becomes a victim of many problems.

Lack of water can cause blood clotting

Due to lack of water in the body in summer, there can be a risk of blood clotting. Actually, if there is a shortage of water in the body, then it leads to concentration of red blood cells. Due to this, red blood cells and platelets in the body get collected in the veins and this can cause the risk of blood clotting. Let us tell you that the risk of stroke increases due to blood clotting. Health experts say that in case of lack of water in the body i.e. dehydration, the blood stored in the body becomes thick which gets deposited in the form of clots in the blood vessels. In such a situation, there is a risk of blood clotting and this blood clotting creates many other dangers. Due to lack of water in the body, the risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis also arises. In such a situation, there is swelling in the clotted ducts, which can increase the risk of stroke in the body.

These things should be kept in mind

Health experts say that to avoid these health problems, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and consume fluids in summer. In summer, a person must drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water throughout the day. Along with this, cooling drinks should also be drunk. Avoid going out in the hot sun. Cotton and light colored clothes will keep you away from the scorching heat.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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