Do not comb wet hair even by mistake, why .. read here


Haircare: Hair plays an important role in showing our personality better. If the hair is combed properly then it enhances our look. Combing the hair not only keeps it strong and soft, but also improves scalp health and blood circulation. But, do you know at what time hair should be combed and whether it is right to comb wet hair or not. Probably very few people will know about this subject. Today, through this article, know some important things related to hair.

Winter season is challenging in itself. In this season, just as special care has to be taken of food, in the same way hair also needs special care. You must have seen many people that they start combing their hair immediately after bath. If there is a delay for office, then people go out after combing their wet hair only. However, doing so can reduce the density of hair and weaken them.

Is it right or wrong to comb wet hair?

Wet hair should never be combed as it makes them weak and break easily. If someone has curly hair then the problem can increase further. Always let the hair dry after bath and then comb it.

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This is the right time to comb

Combing twice a day is good for hair. If you are going to shampoo your hair someday, then comb your hair before hairwash. This makes the hair untangled and does not break while shampooing and also removes the dirt from the hair.

how correct it is to blow hair with a towel

We all see this in the family that when women come out after taking a bath, they blow their hair with a towel. Although this is also totally wrong. Because when we come out from the bath, the hair becomes soft near the roots and it can break while rubbing it with a towel. Wet hair should not be brushed or combed

this is the right way to comb

To comb the hair properly, divide it into two or four sections, then start combing. Start combing from the middle part and move till the ends. In this way the hair gets resolved quickly and breaks less.

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