PM Kisan Scheme 13th Installment: PM on Monday February 27, 2023 Narendra Modi Has released the 13th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM Kisan Scheme 13th Installment) through Direct Benefit Transfer in the account of more than 8 crore farmers across the country. This time the government has transferred a total of Rs 16,000 crore to the accounts of the beneficiaries. But there are many farmers who have lodged a complaint that they have not received the money for the 13th installment of the scheme (PM Kisan Scheme). If this has happened to you too then there is no need to worry. You can file a complaint for this sitting at home. Let’s know about this.
Check like this whether the scheme money is received or not-
If you want to know whether the money of the scheme has been received or not, then for this you should visit the official website of PM Kisan Scheme (PM Kisan Scheme 13th Installment Details) at pmkisan.gov.in. After this you choose the option of Farmer Corner here. Next you will see Beneficiary Status, click on it. After this you have to enter Aadhaar number, bank account details and mobile number. After this click on Get Data option. After this you will know whether you have received the money or not.
Where to file a complaint for non-receipt of money-
The Ministry of Agriculture has informed the beneficiaries that if the money of PM Kisan Yojana has not been transferred even after being eligible in the account of a farmer, then he can solve his problem on the PM-Kisan Help Desk. Can be obtained by mail. You will be able to get information by mailing to pmkisan-ict@gov.in. Apart from this, you can also call the helpline number of 011-23381092 or 155261.
What PM Kisan Scheme?
The Modi Government at the Center runs various schemes for the people of every section of the country. The government runs many schemes for the farmers, one of them the name of the most famous scheme is PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Under this scheme, the government transfers Rs 6,000 every year through DBT to the accounts of poor and marginal farmers. This money is transferred in three installments of Rs 2000 each. At one time, more than 12 crore people were taking advantage of this scheme, but the government has excluded the names of many people who were taking advantage of this scheme even without eligibility. EPFO, income tax payers, farmers doing government jobs cannot take advantage of this scheme. Along with this, more than one beneficiary cannot take money on one land. In such a situation, the government has already removed the names of such people from the list.
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