MS Dhoni & Ravindra Jadeja Viral Video: On Saturday, Chennai Super Kings defeated Delhi Capitals by a huge margin of 77 runs. At the same time, with this victory, Chennai Super Kings qualified for Qualifier-1. Gujarat Titans will face challenge in Qualifier-1 in front of Chennai Super Kings. A video after the Chennai Super Kings and Delhi Capitals match is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this video, Chennai Super Kings captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Ravindra Jadeja are seen. Both the players are seen arguing on something.
Argument between Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Ravindra Jadeja?
However, it is not clear on which topic Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Ravindra Jadeja are talking, but the manner in which Mahendra Singh Dhoni is seen talking has been seen very few times. It can be seen in the viral video on social media that Ravindra Jadeja reaches Mahendra Singh Dhoni after the match, after which both the players start talking. During this, Mahendra Singh Dhoni tries to pacify fellow player Ravindra Jadeja by putting his hand on his shoulder, but after that both the players get into an argument.
— A (@cricketvf) May 20, 2023
Video went viral on social media
According to media reports, when Ravindra Jadeja was removed from the captaincy during the middle tournament last season, then there was a cold war between Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Ravindra Jadeja. Ravindra Jadeja had to relinquish the captaincy after almost half the matches of the IPL 2022 season. After leaving the captaincy of Ravindra Jadeja, Mahendra Singh Dhoni took command again, but now the video of the conversation between Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Ravindra Jadeja is going viral on social media, since then there are various speculations. Are.
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