CSIR UGC NET Result 2023 Soon: The wait for the candidates appearing in the CSIR UGC NET exam may end soon. The National Testing Agency ie NTA can now declare the results at any time. Those candidates who appeared in the Joint Central Scientific and Industrial Research – University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (Joint CSIR – UGC NET 2023) can check the result from the official website after its release. To do this, the address of the official website is – csirnet.nta.nic.in,
Answer key has been released
The wait for the results of CSIR UGC NET Exam 2023 has increased further after the release of the answer key. The final answer key has been released on 17th July. After this the next step is the result release. Therefore, there is a possibility that now the result of CSIR UGC NET Exam 2023 can be released any time. Candidates keep visiting the website to know the updates.
Also note that to view the result, candidates will have to enter their application number and date of birth as login credentials. Follow these steps to check after the release of the result.
Check result with these easy steps
- To check the result after its release, first of all go to the official website i.e. nta.nic.in.
- Here find the column named Candidate Activity and click on it.
- As soon as you do this, see the link on the page that opens where it is and click on getting it. You have to see some such link – CSIR UGC NET December 2022-June 2023 Score Card.
- After doing this, a new page will open again. On this page you will have to enter your login credentials like application number and date of birth etc.
- Enter this and submit. By doing this, the results will appear on your computer screen.
- Check them from here, download and take a print out if you want.
This examination was organized on 6, 7 and 8 June 2023 at 426 exam centers. The exam was conducted in 178 cities of the country. As informed by NTA, this time around 2 lakh 74 thousand candidates had participated in this examination.
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