Company gave fitness challenge to Employees! Extra salary to a healthy employee


Fitness Challenge for Employees: Many companies give various types of extra benefits on good performance to encourage their employees, but one company has launched a special campaign regarding fitness among its employees. This company is financial services company Zerodha.

The company has set up a fitness challenge to make employees health conscious. The head of Zerodha has told that the employee who will complete this fitness challenge will be given a salary bonus of 1 month and a motivation award of Rs 10 lakh by the company.

Set goals with fitness tracker

To achieve this fitness goal, employees will be given the option to set daily activity targets on the company’s fitness tracker. In such a situation, the employee who fulfills the target set by the company for 90% of the days of the year, will get one month’s salary and a reward of up to Rs 10 lakh.

The company’s head gave information by tweeting

The company’s head Nitin Kamath has tweeted that Zerodha company is going to give health challenge again to its employees. You can get company-defined rewards by setting your daily goals on your fitness tracker. Kamath has also informed that this challenge is optional. In the challenge, employees have to burn at least 350 calories daily. The company has given this challenge because most of the employees are currently doing work from home. In such a situation, the habit of smoking is increasing in them due to sitting. This type of fitness challenge has been started to keep the employees active.

Your own tracking will give you better health
The head of the company told that he has started working on his own fitness since the lockdown in the year 2020. He started tracking his exercises. After this, gradually he has increased his daily target to 1000 calories. Now in the company’s fitness challenge, employees will also get a chance to track their calorie burn daily and keep themselves fit.

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