Chanakya Niti: With these qualities a person is called a gentleman, know what Chanakya Niti says


Chanakya Niti: Chanakya’s principles even today teach a person to differentiate between right and wrong. In Kalyug, who is our own, who is a stranger, whom to trust, who can backstab, if a person is aware of this, he can avoid being cheated. Chanakya has very well shared his views on all these aspects. Chanakya has told what is the identity of a gentleman. Let’s know.

Pralaye Bhinmaryada Bhavint Kill Sagar:

Sagara Bhedmichhanti Praleyashpi na Sadhavः.

  • According to Acharya Chanakya, the biggest quality of a gentleman is his patience. Chanakya says through shlokas that even the sea crosses its limits when there is a holocaust and breaks the banks and creates havoc, the land and water become one, but the gentleman does not lose his patience even in the biggest crisis and adverse circumstances. maintain decorum. The patience of the gentleman takes the person to the heights of success. Man not only needs to be hardworking for success, but also needs to be determined and patient.
  • A gentleman is the one who does not give up seriousness in any bad situation. The identity of gentleman can be known by the conduct and behavior of his person. Chanakya says that the person who does not compromise on his honesty comes first in the category of gentleman. A gentleman never talks about his qualities through his mouth. His deeds and good behavior only make him respectable.
  • It is the duty of man to discharge the responsibilities, but according to Chanakya, a gentleman understands the value of relationships along with fulfilling his responsibilities and selflessly makes every effort to keep them tied in a thread. Those who maintain every relationship wholeheartedly, do not discriminate among them, such people are worshiped everywhere.

Chanakya Niti: This one thing is the reason for the progress and destruction of man, use it carefully

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