Chanakya Niti: Human life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes there is rain of happiness and sometimes there are thick clouds of sorrow. Chanakya says that a man’s good and bad times depend on his deeds. Chanakya has mentioned about such a thing which is considered to be the root of a person’s problems. Even in Gita it is described, which leads a person to hell. Chanakya says that the sooner you leave this thing, the better it is. By doing this, there will be happiness and peace in life.
Yasya sneho bhayan tasya sneho dukhasya bhajanam.
Snehmulani dukhani tani tyaktava vasetsukham.
attachment is the root of problems
Chanakya says that attachment is the source of all kinds of sorrows. The ignorance of the person increases and problems start in life. A person becomes blind by getting trapped in the trap of attachment and he cannot stop himself from doing evil even after knowing about the wrong. This is the reason for his sorrow. In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was so infatuated with Duryodhana that he could not even stop his son from doing wrong and in the end the family was destroyed.
attachment distracts from the goal
Excessive attachment to money, relationships, lust etc. in human life makes a person deviate from the path of achieving the goal and he has to face struggle. Shri Krishna has said in the Gita that when someone gives up attachment, he gets my grace. A person without attachment attains supreme bliss. It has been said in the Gita that lust, anger and greed are the three types of gates of hell which lead to the downfall of a person. It is better to leave them alone.
Chanakya Niti: Men and women who have these 5 things, their life is always happy
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